Honestly, is there anything better than spending four days in leadership training with Jane? ? We don’t think so, and we’re pretty sure this team in our Alberta IPL session will agree! ?? . . . #intentionalpeopleleadership #albertacanada #winnipeg #winnipegbusiness #winnipegbiz #exchangedistrict #exchangebiz #exchangedistrictbiz #humanresources #humanresourcesmanagement #hrmanager #hrmanagement #hrmanagers #leaders #leadership #managers #employeeengagement #business #management #recruiting #recruitment #companyculture #hrlife #getstuffdone
Honestly, is there anything better than spending four days in leadership training with Jane? ? We don’t think so, and we’re pretty sure this team in our Alberta IPL session will agree! ??
#intentionalpeopleleadership #albertacanada #winnipeg #winnipegbusiness #winnipegbiz #exchangedistrict #exchangebiz #exchangedistrictbiz #humanresources #humanresourcesmanagement #hrmanager #hrmanagement #hrmanagers #leaders #leadership #managers #employeeengagement #business #management #recruiting #recruitment #companyculture #hrlife #getstuffdone