We are reaching out with our well wishes during this complicated time. Due to the evolving nature of COVID-19 our team is now working remotely. We want to assure you that we are fully accessible via phone and email regarding current or upcoming work. We are committed as always to acting in the best interest of our clients and we completely understand if your focus will be on your team and business continuity over the next while. Our in-person training and other events scheduled for the next two weeks will be postponed until further notice. We have online meeting capabilities that can be used in place of scheduled in-person meetings as appropriate.

We recognize that these are times of uncertainty with many challenges for organizations to navigate. We remain committed to providing help in any way we can and are available should you need support during this time.

We plan to offer free professional development online sessions for you or your team to log in to which may support some of those who are working remotely and have a reduced workflow currently. We will keep you informed on any additional operational changes on our end.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team with any questions: www.acuityhr.ca/about

The Acuity Team