
Author: Brad Lutz

Living Up to My New Hire Announcement
06 Apr

Living Up to My New Hire Announcement

by Brad Lutz in Leadership , Recruitment 0 comments

I will never forget when I joined a financial firm as the HR lead.  I was truly impressed with the organization from their reputation and the impression grew through the conversations leading to my time with them.  I was engaged, thrilled to get the offer of employment and couldn’t wait to join the team. About…

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26 Jan

Should HR Really Be at the Executive Table?

by Brad Lutz in HR Trends 0 comments

  Well I suppose that depends if you are an HR fluffy, an HR tactician, or an HR Leader… I am actually tired of hearing HR folks talk as though they deserve a spot at the table, but have yet to do anything that demonstrates that they have something to actually add at the table. …

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