
Author: Brad Lutz

Flexible Work – Beyond Working Remotely
30 Jun

Flexible Work – Beyond Working Remotely

by Brad Lutz in HR Trends 0 comments

During this pandemic, many workplaces have been forced for the first time to be flexible in nature – providing the ability for more employees to work remotely. The trend towards flexibility is a positive one, for employees and employers.  The research is pretty consistent that workers who do at least some of their work remotely,…

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Setting Up Remote Leaders for Success
31 Mar
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Setting Up Remote Leaders for Success

by Brad Lutz in Leadership 0 comments

Being a leader is hard work, and likely very different than the work you were doing prior to becoming a leader. Add in the concept of working remotely and you’ve got a challenging task ahead of you. Leaders are deliberate about how they lead, all the time. People leadership is not something you do off…

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You Get The Employees You Deserve
01 Feb

You Get The Employees You Deserve

by Brad Lutz in Uncategorized 0 comments

Now don’t get me wrong – there are some people who genuinely don’t care when they start a new job.  However, for most people, when they start a new job with a new organization, they want to do well, they are committed, it is a fresh start.  When most people start a new job, they…

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The Employee Engagement Fad
27 Sep
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The Employee Engagement Fad

by Brad Lutz in Employee Engagement , Leadership 0 comments

Ok, fine, I admit it – Employee Engagement has become the next HR fad, the next flavour of the month. Generally speaking, it’s already going away.  However, it’s not leaving for entirely good reasons. The Employee Engagement journey started out as “Employee Happiness”.  Some realists figured out that many employees were all too “happy” flying…

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Leadership Blind Spots
23 Aug
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Leadership Blind Spots

by Brad Lutz in Employee Engagement , HR Trends , Leadership 0 comments

Yes, your Leadership Team has Blind Spots they don’t know about (that’s why they’re called blind spots). I was recently in a manufacturing facility and had the opportunity to have an abbreviated plant tour.  The manufacturing leader was clearly very proud (and rightfully so) of what had been accomplished and the overall operations looked great. …

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Tim Hortons Cobourg Case – An Alternate Viewpoint
19 Jan

Tim Hortons Cobourg Case – An Alternate Viewpoint

by Brad Lutz in HR Trends 0 comments

Sometimes the way things are presented in the media oversimplifies a situation and misses balancing perspectives that help truly understand what’s going on. I’ve recently been following the Tim Hortons Story in Ontario where store owners (in fact, the children of the founder) have changed their employee benefits program to being cost shared instead of…

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28 Sep

Don’t Promote Your Best Employees…

by Brad Lutz in Leadership 0 comments

At the very least, stop promoting your best employees into leadership positions without very, very careful consideration. I speak with so many different employers from different industries, and the story is too often the same.  “We have this great employee, best technical person or best performer we’ve ever had, so….we promoted them to Manager /…

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Employee Engagement Has Nothing to Do With Employees
17 Jan

Employee Engagement Has Nothing to Do With Employees

by Brad Lutz in Employee Engagement 0 comments

  “Employee engagement has nothing to do with employees.” A valued colleague of mine provided this memorable quote at a recent HR event.  He’s usually really good at shock value and this quote didn’t disappoint.  However, this statement is also true. We are all familiar with the studies; there is powerful data indicating that companies…

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Three Ways to Be a Crappy HR Professional
26 Aug

Three Ways to Be a Crappy HR Professional

by Brad Lutz in HR Trends 0 comments

  Work Too Hard Solve Problems Care About Employees Unfortunately, there are all too many crappy HR professionals out there.  Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of wonderful and successful HR Professionals, but there are also many (usually well-meaning) HR pros who make some common mistakes and jeopardize the effectiveness of not only…

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Are You Sure You Want a Lower Turnover Rate?
20 May

Are You Sure You Want a Lower Turnover Rate?

by Brad Lutz in Leadership , Recruitment 0 comments

It is not uncommon to hear an HR Professional talk about Turnover and how they have a quarterly or annual goal to reduce the turnover rate in their organization. Does HR really have control over this metric?  I have found myself asking questions (silently, but sometimes out loud) that imply that HR truly doesn’t have…

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