Resume Space Savers – 3 Quick Tips
17 Nov

Resume Space Savers – 3 Quick Tips

by Jaysa Toet in Recruitment 0 comments

I’ve had the pleasure of working with wonderful job seekers through Career Transition this year as a result of COVID’s impacts on various industries. I must commend them – everyone I have worked with is taking their next career steps with positivity and eagerness despite the circumstances. One of the components we discuss with groups…

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Flexible Work – Beyond Working Remotely
30 Jun

Flexible Work – Beyond Working Remotely

by Brad Lutz in HR Trends 0 comments

During this pandemic, many workplaces have been forced for the first time to be flexible in nature – providing the ability for more employees to work remotely. The trend towards flexibility is a positive one, for employees and employers.  The research is pretty consistent that workers who do at least some of their work remotely,…

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Rachel’s Work from Home Efficiency
17 Jun

Rachel’s Work from Home Efficiency

by Jaysa Toet in Time Management 0 comments

It’s no secret that Rachel has a talent for efficiency and getting through mountains of work! How does she manage this while working from home? Jaysa asked her some questions to find out! 1) What is your routine like? I’m an early riser, so I like to wake up before Halle (her daughter) and spend…

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Don’t Worry About Bums in Seats!
22 Apr
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Don’t Worry About Bums in Seats!

by Jane Helbrecht in Leadership 0 comments

Many organizations have made the quick switch to working remotely in the last couple of weeks. For many leaders, this may be their first time leading a remote team. Because of this, some leaders will have the impulsive to go into tracking and micro-management mode. In other words, they are worrying about bums in seats….

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Making Time to Lead – Free Online Professional Development Session
09 Apr

Making Time to Lead – Free Online Professional Development Session

by Jane Helbrecht in Leadership 0 comments

Great leaders are intentional. And they recognize that being a great leader is a constant everyday practice that requires reflection and experimentation. In this session we will share with leaders how to make time to lead and use that time effectively so they can shift the dynamic of their team and increase performance. Great leaders…

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Setting Up Remote Leaders for Success
31 Mar
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Setting Up Remote Leaders for Success

by Brad Lutz in Leadership 0 comments

Being a leader is hard work, and likely very different than the work you were doing prior to becoming a leader. Add in the concept of working remotely and you’ve got a challenging task ahead of you. Leaders are deliberate about how they lead, all the time. People leadership is not something you do off…

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31 Mar
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COVID-19 Latest HR Information

by Devan Graham in HR Trends 0 comments

As a small business, and as HR Consultants, we are experiencing the impacts of COVID-19 along with you. There’s a lot of information out there, and much of it is changing often. We wanted to provide a resource that shares relevant HR related information and support for organizations. Below you will find highlights as well as…

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Manitoba’s Accessibility Standard for Employment
26 Feb
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Manitoba’s Accessibility Standard for Employment

by Devan Graham in HR Trends 0 comments

Enacted on May 1, 2019, Manitoba’s Accessibility Standard for Employment is the second standard under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act.  It’s purpose is to remove and prevent barriers that affect current and potential members of the labour force and calls on employers to have measures, policies and practices to provide reasonable accommodations for employees and applicants. Nearly…

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Driving Engagement and Commitment Within Your Organization
19 Mar
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Driving Engagement and Commitment Within Your Organization

by Devan Graham in Employee Engagement , HR Trends , Leadership 0 comments

Since the beginning of this year, we have been fortunate enough to travel within North America to conduct training seminars and presentations for various industries. The common theme of interest we have found is that organizations want to find ways to strengthen the leadership within their organization and increase the commitment and engagement levels of…

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You Get The Employees You Deserve
01 Feb

You Get The Employees You Deserve

by Brad Lutz in Uncategorized 0 comments

Now don’t get me wrong – there are some people who genuinely don’t care when they start a new job.  However, for most people, when they start a new job with a new organization, they want to do well, they are committed, it is a fresh start.  When most people start a new job, they…

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