
Author: Jaysa Toet

Resume Space Savers – 3 Quick Tips
17 Nov

Resume Space Savers – 3 Quick Tips

by Jaysa Toet in Recruitment 0 comments

I’ve had the pleasure of working with wonderful job seekers through Career Transition this year as a result of COVID’s impacts on various industries. I must commend them – everyone I have worked with is taking their next career steps with positivity and eagerness despite the circumstances. One of the components we discuss with groups…

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Rachel’s Work from Home Efficiency
17 Jun

Rachel’s Work from Home Efficiency

by Jaysa Toet in Time Management 0 comments

It’s no secret that Rachel has a talent for efficiency and getting through mountains of work! How does she manage this while working from home? Jaysa asked her some questions to find out! 1) What is your routine like? I’m an early riser, so I like to wake up before Halle (her daughter) and spend…

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Parental Leave: Tips for a Smooth Transition
19 Dec
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Parental Leave: Tips for a Smooth Transition

by Jaysa Toet in HR Trends , Leadership 0 comments

A member on your team lets you know the happy news that there will be a new addition to their family. There’s excitement, happiness, and congratulations! Shortly after, worry may set in for you as a leader because you’re immediately thinking about what you will do to fill the gap while they are gone. Many…

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Tips for Self-Care from a Recovering Workaholic – Part 2
14 Nov

Tips for Self-Care from a Recovering Workaholic – Part 2

by Jaysa Toet in HR Trends , Uncategorized 0 comments

Year end is coming and with the increased pressures of deadlines, holidays and other events it can make for some hectic weeks. Here are more tips that I’ve gathered along the way to help keep your sanity when life is busy: Self-Care at Work We are inundated by so many things that a little self-care…

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Tips for Self-Care from a Recovering Workaholic – Part 1
16 Oct
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Tips for Self-Care from a Recovering Workaholic – Part 1

by Jaysa Toet in HR Trends , Uncategorized 0 comments

Fall is a busy time following vacations and the comfortable routine of steady summer months. For our team, the fall is always busy and the same is true for many of our clients. For myself, I always approach fall excited but quickly end up in a spiral of crazy between work, board commitments, family commitments,…

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Shifting a Negative Workplace Culture
07 Sep
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Shifting a Negative Workplace Culture

by Jaysa Toet in Employee Engagement , HR Trends , Leadership 0 comments

..Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. Work life might not actually be a soap opera, but in some environments, it can feel like it. We have seen our fair share of messy situations in our client’s cultures – politics, drama, or poor communication resulting in situations that take up…

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HR Leaders Summit West 2018 – Trends & Takeaways
24 May
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HR Leaders Summit West 2018 – Trends & Takeaways

by Jaysa Toet in HR Trends 0 comments

I attended the HR Leaders Summit (West) hosted in Vancouver last month. This was my first year at this conference and I had high expectations after Brad, Devan and Jane from our team attended last year. The conference did not disappoint! A wide variety of presenters ranging from Airbnb to HR Executives to Consultants all…

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3 Ways to Miss the Mark on Handling People Problems
30 Nov

3 Ways to Miss the Mark on Handling People Problems

by Jaysa Toet in Employee Engagement 0 comments

When leaders experience a problem with a specific person, a gut reaction is to solve it in the quickest, easiest, and most painless way possible. It’s true that problems should be solved quickly, however, well-intentioned efficiency or avoidance can cause leaders to miss the mark. Even when uncomfortable, dealing with a situation personally with the…

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3 Reasons Why Small Companies Need HR
19 Oct

3 Reasons Why Small Companies Need HR

by Jaysa Toet in HR Trends 0 comments

The first thing business owners think about when starting a company is their core business. An idea becomes a product or service fueled by the passion that started it all. Once the dream becomes a reality, passion for the cause quickly becomes inundated by other business requirements such as securing funding, legal support, space and…

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The Worst Kind of Sandwiches
02 May

The Worst Kind of Sandwiches

by Jaysa Toet in Leadership 0 comments

Have you ever heard that kid’s song by Fred Penner:  “Sandwiches are beautiful, sandwiches are fine, I like sandwiches, I eat them all the time.” I’m totally with Fred on this one. My top favorite sandwiches are the classic PB&J followed closely by PB, banana and honey (don’t knock until you try it) but there’s…

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